World Love For You

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WLFY Joins The People’s Climate March

On September 21, 2014  World Love For You made its’ debut as protesters for the People’s Climate March which took place in NYC. We were enthusiastic about the march, because of the awareness and unity amongst the people.  There were thousands of protesters holding signs with catchy slogans such as “Cook organic not the planet” and “We are Earth’s Stewards”.  World Love For You had the chance to partake in this walk alongside many other organizations with such a positive attitude. There were a couple of  appearances from well known actors  such as Leonardo Dicaprio, Mark Ruffalo and Edward Norton who showed their support during the walk . The march stood up against the use of pollutants including   the  greenhouse gases , hydraulic fracturing and climate change which  contributes to the global warming of earth. World Love For You believes we should take the  to time to appreciate our universe by nurturing it with love and care. Love is what we live by.

“Life Begins with Love”
